A sum greater than its parts: Time-restricted eating and high-intensity exercise work together to improve health

Time-limited eating and high-intensity exercise can work together to improve health

Study design. Credit: Ameur et al., 2024, PLOS ONECC-BY 4.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Combining time-restricted eating with high-intensity functional training can improve body composition and cardiometabolic parameters more than either alone, according to a study published May 1, 2024. PLOS ONE by Ranya Ameur and Rami Maaloul of the University of Sfax, Tunisia, and colleagues.

Changes in diet and exercise are known ways to lose weight and improve cardiometabolic health. However, finding the right combination of lifestyle changes to produce sustainable results can be challenging.

Previous studies indicate that time-restricted eating (which limits when, but not what, individuals eat) and high-intensity functional training (which combines intense aerobic and resistance exercise) may be beneficial and easier to commit to long term for people.

In a new study, researchers investigated the impact of time-restricted eating and high-intensity functional training on body composition and markers of cardiometabolic health such as cholesterol, blood glucose, and levels of of lipids.

A total of 64 obese women were assigned to one of three groups: time-restricted eating (diet only), high-intensity functional training (exercise only), or time-restricted eating plus high-intensity functional training ( diet + exercise). . Participants following the time-restricted eating regimen only ate between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Those in the functional training groups worked three days a week with an instructor.

After 12 weeks, all three groups had significant weight loss and a decrease in waist and hip circumference. Likewise, all groups showed favorable changes in lipid and glucose levels.

Some differences between groups were observed. For example, fat-free mass (a combination of lean mass and skeletal muscle mass) and blood pressure improved in the diet + exercise and exercise groups, but did not change in the diet-only group.

Participants in the diet + exercise group generally experienced more profound changes in body composition and cardiometabolic parameters than either diet or exercise alone.

The researchers noted that this was a relatively small study and it is difficult to tease out the contributions of specific exercise routines or time-restricted eating and calorie reduction, as both groups reduced their calorie intake. . However, they note that combining time-restricted eating with high-intensity functional training could hold promise for improving body composition and cardiometabolic health.

The authors add, “Combining time-restricted eating with high-intensity functional training is a promising strategy for improving body composition and cardiometabolic health.”

More information:
Unlocking the power of synergy: high-intensity functional training and early time-restricted eating for transformative changes in body composition and cardiometabolic health in inactive women with obesity, PLoS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301369

Provided by the Public Library of Science

Subpoena: A sum greater than its parts: Time-restricted eating and high-intensity exercise work together to improve health (2024, May 1) retrieved May 2, 2024, from https://medicalxpress .com/news/2024-05-sum-greater-restricted-high-intensity.html

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